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Journal Advanced Opencart Theme

Journal – Advanced Opencart Theme

Journal Advanced Opencart Theme

Journal is the ultimate Opencart theme framework, with best-in-class features and the most configurable design engine ever created in an Opencart project, allowing you to completely customize your store at any resolution.

Journals may be as simple and plain or as elaborate and colorful as you desire. Compatible with Opencart versions 2.3.x and 3.0.x

Journal Advanced Opencart Theme
Journal Advanced Opencart Theme


Update instructions are found in the Documentation.

v.3 – June 30, 2018 Initial release of Journal 3

Click to see the latest Journal 3 Changelog.


v.2 – March 10, 2014 Initial release of Journal 2

v. 2.16.8 – June 28, 2018

  • Fixed an issue with custom fields in default checkout.
  • Fixed an issue with Notification close button on mobile
  • Fixed an issue with first additional image size at the product page
  • Other small fixes and improvements

v. 2.16.7 – June 1, 2018

  • Fixed an issue with GDPR contact form.
  • Fixed an issue with SuperFilter and Infinite Scroll
  • Fixed an issue with rich snippets price format.

v. 2.16.6 – May 25, 2018

Added optional “Agree to Terms” checkbox on the default Opencart contact form from the contact page, as well as the newsletter subscribe option at the checkout. These are both automatically enabled when you enable the ones for the Newsletter or Popup modules (see changelog in the previous 2 updates).

  • Other small fixes and improvements

v. 2.16.5 – May 24, 2018

Added optional “Agree to Terms” checkbox in the Popup module (for contact form popups). Useful for GDPR compliance. Must be activated from Journal > Settings > Modules > Popup > Agree to Terms

v. 2.16.4 – May 21, 2018

Added optional “Agree to Terms” checkbox in the Newsletter module. Useful for GDPR compliance. Must be activated from Journal > Settings > Modules > Newsletter > Agree to Terms

  • Updated Google fonts library
  • Other fixes and improvements

v. 2.16.3 – March 31, 2018

  • Fix for minimum quantity add to cart
  • Fix for google sitemap blog links
  • Fix for Super Filter category sort order
  • Other small fixes and improvements

v. 2.16.2 – February 8, 2018

  • Fixed an issue with sale badge spacing
  • Fixed an issue with Quickview
  • Fixed an issue with Carousel autoplay
  • Other fixes and improvements

v. 2.16.1 – January 14, 2018

  • Fixed an issue with OC
  • Fixed an issue with custom fields id
  • Other fixes and improvements

v. 2.16.0 – December 31, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with weight based shipping in Quick Checkout
  • Fixed an issue with RTL characters
  • Fixed an issue with product page carousel options
  • Updated OC3 framework.php
  • Other fixes and improvements

v. 2.15.9 – December 1, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with Journal cache customer_group_id
  • Added Cache By Customer Group ID option in System & Performance
  • Other fixes and improvements

v. 2.15.8 – November 25, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with Quick Checkout cache on IE11
  • Fixed an issue with Quick Checkout custom fields
  • Fixed an issue with additional images carousel arrows
  • Fixed an issue with retina logo rich snippets
  • Fixed an issue with product labels in different languages
  • Fixed an issue with customer_group_id
  • Other fixes and improvements

v.2.15.7 – November 9, 2017

  • Added rel=”nofollow” for blog comments links
  • Fixed an issue with custom skin save mechanism
  • Fixed an issue with text_manufacturer at product page (Opencart 3)
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v.2.15.6 – November 3, 2017

  • Updated carousel plugin and fixed a pagination issue
  • Fixed an issue with Super Filter category path
  • Fixed an issue with undefined https in snippets.php
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v.2.15.5 – October 31, 2017

  • Added Quick Checkout redirect to Account/Login page if “Login Display Prices” option is enabled in Opencart settings
  • Added additional measures for xss prevention
  • Fixed an issue with modules detaching from layouts in Opencart 3
  • Fixed an issue with CK Editor fullscreen layout
  • Other fixes and improvements

v. 2.15.4 – October 25, 2017

  • Fixed a javascript issue in Opencart 1.5.x
  • Fixed an issue with category View More link in Opencart 3

v. 2.15.3 – October 23, 2017

  • Added breadcrumbs structured data for all pages
  • Updated Google Fonts library to include all the latest additions
  • Fixed an issue with category View More link in Opencart 3
  • Fixed a compatibility issue with d_twig_manager
  • Fixed an issue with custom fields in Opencart 3
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.15.2 – October 13, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with Google rich snippets format

v. 2.15.1 – October 11, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with items per row in subcategories
  • Fixed an issue with rich snippets price
  • Opencart 3.x compatibility fixes
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.15.0 – September 26, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with image Fit/Crop resising
  • Fixed an issue with Quickview admin options in OC 3.x
  • Fixed an issue with Quick Checkout custom fields.
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.14.9 – September 19, 2017

  • Added redirect to shopping cart in the Quick Checkout if “Login Display Prices” is active
  • Fixed an issue with urls in the background image editor
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.14.8 – September 8, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with OCMOD headers
  • Fixed an issue with account login error warning
  • Fixed an issue wihh reviews pagination
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.14.7 – August 19, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with contact page geocode
  • Fixed an issue with Quick Checkout autosave fields
  • Fixed an issue with category page opengraph meta
  • Fixed an issue with the carousel items preventing clicks in some cases
  • Other Opencart 3 compatibility fixes

v. 2.14.6 – August 5, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with affiliates in Quick Checkout.
  • Fixed an issue with custom fields in Quick Checkout.

v. 2.14.5 – August 2, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with rich snippets currency.
  • OC 3.x maintenance mode fix.
  • OC 3.x checkout affiliate address fix.
  • Other Opencart 3.x compatibility fixes.

v. 2.14.4 – July 20, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with Carousel module Next button when placed in the side columns.
  • Opencart 3.x compatibility fixes.

v. 2.14.3 – July 18, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with Super Filter sorting on the Special layout on all Opencart versions.
  • Opencart 3.x compatibility fixes.
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.14.2 – July 12, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with basic captcha input display
  • Fixed an issue with sticky header in Opencart 3.x
  • Fixed an issue with text rotator color in Opencart 3.x
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.14.1 – July 7, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with empty product description in Opencart 2.x
  • Other Opencart 3.x compatibility fixes

v. 2.14 – July 5, 2017

  • Added Opencart 3 compatibility
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.13 – June 13, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with the newsletter class in the Quick Checkout
  • Fixed an issue with the category page pagination active color

v. 2.12 – June 7, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with Super Filter brands on manufacturer page
  • Fixed and issue with Quick Checkout guest newsletter subscribe
  • Fixed an issue with product page empty description
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.11 – May 23, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with the logo width on phones
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.10 – May 16, 2017

  • Fixed an issue in Quickview stock status text
  • Updated mobile browser detection library to include Vivaldi
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.9.9 – May 5, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with reviews captcha
  • Fixed an issue with Product Tabs/Blocks module IDs
  • Fixed an issue with long breadcrumbs on phone

v. 2.9.8 – May 3, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with Banners carousel mode
  • Fixed an issue with Super Filter manufacturer IDs
  • Other minor fixes and improvements.

v. 2.9.7 – April 21, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with Infinite Scroll Load More button
  • Fixed an issue with Text Rotator random order.
  • Other minor fixes and improvements.

v. 2.9.6 – April 14, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with Google Rich Snippets product price parameters.
  • Fixed an issue with Journal Blog page not found.

v. 2.9.5 – March 27, 2017

  • Fixed and issue with the “Returning Customer” translation in the Quick Checkout
  • Fixed an issue with Reward Points alignment in the Quick Checkout
  • Fixed and issue with Revolution slider height on mobile when placed in Content Top position
  • Other minor fixes and improvements.

v. 2.9.4 – March 14, 2017

  • Updated Google Fonts library to include the latest releases
  • Fixed an issue with top menu dropdowns on mobile
  • Fixed an issue with default Opencart filters inside the SuperFilter
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.9.3 – March 2, 2017

  • Added Category selection to the blog modules Posts Module and Side Posts.
  • Fixed an issue with blog post meta titles
  • Fixed an issue with the menu items double tap behavior on touch devices
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.9.2 – February 23, 2017

  • Added rich snippets support for product description
  • Fixed an issue with SuperFilter on older OC 1.5x versions
  • Fixed and issue with slider width and custom content padding
  • Fixed an issue with the header cart toggle state on Firefox mobile browser
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.9.1 – February 16, 2017

  • Fixed an issue with the blog feed url
  • Fixed an issue with rich snippets
  • Updated some Carousel touch drag parameters
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.9.0 – February 8, 2017

  • Fixed an issue reward points in Quick Checkout
  • Fixed an issue with the Revolution Slider in boxed layouts
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.8.9 – February 3, 2017

  • Added 1 more demo, Journal 15
  • Fixed an issue with caption resizing in Revolution Slider
  • Fixed an issue with the reset in items per row editor
  • Fixed an issue with breadcrumb display on mobile
  • Other fixes and improvements

v. 2.8.8 – January 31, 2017

  • Added 1 more demo, Journal 14
  • Added Revo slider text caption multi-line text support
  • Added Revo slider image caption dimension fields
  • Fixed an issue with the header cart open/close behavior on phones
  • Fixed an issue with the Quick Checkout scroll to event
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.8.7 – January 24, 2017

  • Added 1 more demo, Journal 13
  • Fixed an issue with CKEditor characters
  • Fixed an issue with SuperFilter on Specials page
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.8.6 – January 17, 2017

  • Added 2 more demos, Journal 11 and Journal 12
  • Added Notification custom container width option.
  • Added Quickview Button alignment position – We’ve also reset the center position, there’s no need for offset values anymore so they can be removed.
  • Fixed an issue with duplicate modules.
  • Fixed an issue with the Advanced Grid module when spacing value was left blank.
  • Quick Checkout loading state on payment / shipping methods fix
  • Fixed an issue with CKEditor empty tags.
  • Retina Logo resizing fixes
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.8.5 – December 29, 2016

  • Fixed and issue with the update custom sections script
  • Fixed an issue with the Popup module escape key close behavior
  • Fixed an issue with linked footer payment images
  • Other minor improvements

v. 2.8.4 – December 23, 2016

  • Added custom shadow options to buttons + background image or gradient support.
  • Added separate background options for the home page.
  • Added Items Names in the admin for main menu items, footer rows and columns.
  • Fixed an Infinite Scroll load more button issue.
  • Fixed an issue with checkout initial payment address.
  • Fixed a Newsletter button issue (button offset must be set in the module now).
  • Fixed an issue with minicart price update.
  • Other compatibility fixes.

v. 2.8.3 – December 7, 2016

  • Fixed a z-index issue with mobile header elements.
  • Fixed an issue with the Name Overwrite option in Top/Secondary menus.
  • Fixed an issue with Notification positioning (Center Top) on phones.
  • Other compatibility fixes.

v. 2.8.2 – December 3, 2016

  • Added more icons to the Icon Editor (FontAwesome pack).
  • Added options to disable logo on phone.
  • Added options for custom logo area height on phone.
  • Added Infinite Scroll button + messages style options.
  • Added options to remove blog author, date, comments – Journal > Settings > Blog > General.
  • Fixed an issue with Quickview on infinite scroll products.
  • Fixed an issue with Add to Wishlist.
  • Carousel fixes – added new carousel engine for Journal modules.
  • IE 10/11 display fixes.
  • Other compatibility fixes.

v. 2.8.1 – November 26, 2016

    • Added Sticky Bottom Menu Bar on phones. The Top Menu can now be displayed as a sticky bar fixed at the bottom on phones, see Demo 1 on a phone. Journal > Settings > Header > Menus > Top Menu.
  • Opencart 1.5.x Compatibility fixes
  • Carousel module fixes
  • Filter collapsable sections fixes
  • Infinite scroll fixes
  • Other minor cosmetic fixes

v. 2.8.0 – November 24, 2016

    • RTL support.
    • Infinite scroll feature on category pages. Journal > Settings > Category Page > General > Infinite Scroll.
    • Super Filter – Added support for default Opencart filters.
    • Super Filter – Added option to enable the SuperFilter on mobile phones.
    • Super Filter – Added collapsable filter sections so they can be open/closed when clicking on the section title. Journal > Settings > Modules > Super Filter.
    • Layout – Option to define custom spacing between product grid items. Journal > Settings > Global > General > Layout > Content Spacing
    • Layout – Options to define main content container + side columns paddings. Journal > Settings > Global > General > Layout > Content Spacing
    • Layout – Option to define side column width (with separate tablet option). Journal > Settings > Global > General > Layout > Content Spacing
    • Layout – Option to disable side columns on tablet. Journal > Settings > Side Column > General
    • Header – Retina logo option. – Journal > Settings > Header > General > Retina Logo.
    • Header – New Sticky Header mechanism with different styling options and tablet support. Journal > Settings > Header > General > Sticky Header.
    • Header – Sticky Menu / Cart on phone. Journal > Settings > Header > Menus > Main Menu > Mobile Menu
    • Header – Dropdown menu options for top or secondary menus.
    • Header – New main menu display “Centered”. Menus > Main Menu > General > Menu Display.
    • Header – Options to define custom height for top bar, logo area and main menu. (With separate sticky header options).
    • Header – Options to define custom shadows.
    • Header – Option to disable top bar entirely (Center or Mega header types only).
    • Header – Options to disable Top or Secondary menu bars on phones. Journal > Settings > Header > Menus > Top Menu/Secondary Menu
    • Header – Language / Currency option to display flag/symbol + text.
    • Backgrounds – Added gradient option in the background editor.
    • Backgrounds – Added background size option.
    • Side Category – Added option to choose a category as a custom item (automatically displaying its sub-categories).
    • Photo Gallery – Changed module engine with support for thumbnails in the popup gallery.
    • Product page image full size image zoom – After the main image is opened in the popup gallery there is an additional zoom button to display an even bigger image version. (Requires large product image dimensions.)
    • Enquiry Button on out of stock products only. (Product Tabs/Blocks modules too).
    • Duplicate module instance. – can now duplicate any existing module, individual slide or menu item and begin editting from that point.
    • Font Editor – Added Mobile Font Size. Can now display a different font size for any given element on phones.
    • Font Editor – Moved all common properties in the INHERIT tab. This helps by allowing changes to any element’s font properties without having to choose the font family again.
    • Added Enable on Phone/Tablet for search Auto-Suggest + Scroll to Top button.
    • Collapsable footer columns on mobile.
  • Addressed equal height grid issues across the entire theme.
  • Addressed issue with Revolution slider main image loading delay.
  • Quick Checkout – Voucher/Coupon fixes.
  • Quick Checkout – Default shipping address fix.
  • Quick Checkout – Window auto scroll to top if Confirm Order button pressed with required field empty.
  • Quick Checkout – Option to disable the telephone field in the Quick Checkout.
  • Price rich snippets fix.
  • Close popup after newsletter subscribe success fix.
  • Quickview Push Image options fix.
  • Countdown + Rating fix.
  • Search in description for Auto-Suggest fix.
  • Added support for Push Image option in OC 2.3.x
  • Fixed dropdown menu issue on touch devices – sometimes linked menu items that also had a dropdown will go to the linked page on first tap/click instead of showing the dropdown.
  • Added unique class on every Journal module that doesn’t change with cache load.
  • Header Notice – Show only once / Do not show again fixes.
  • Text input fields color and border options. Journal > Settings > Global > Pages > Text Input Fields.

v. 2.7.6 – August 13, 2016

  • Fixed a compatibility issue with Opencart 2.3.x
  • Fixed an issue with a php error on the cart page

v. 2.7.5 – August 4, 2016

  • Added Opencart 2.3.x compatibility
  • Fixed an issue with the SuperFilter on the search page
  • Fixed an issue with subcategory images at the category page
  • Other fixes and improvements

v. 2.7.4 – June 22, 2016

  • Fixed an issue with videos in Revolution slider module
  • Fixed an issue with the delete product button on the compare page
  • Fixed an issue with Super Filter tag search
  • Fixed an issue with rich snippets price currency fix
  • Other fixes and improvements

v. 2.7.3 – April 25, 2016

  • Fixed an issue with the Popup module close (x) button
  • Fixed an issue with the SuperFilter category breadcrumbs
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.7.2 – April 19, 2016

  • Fixed an issue with Quick Checkout save empty response
  • Fixed an issue with the Popup in IOS
  • Fixed an issue with the blog SEO url
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.7.1 – March 21, 2016

  • Fixed an issue with admin category search in Opencart 2.2
  • Fixed an issue with language switcher in Opencart 2.2
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.7.0 – March 8, 2016

  • Added Opencart 2.2.x compatibility
  • Added Flyout menu cache option
  • Fixed an issue with Rich Snippets rating at the product page
  • Fixed a Stripe payment issues on the Quick Checkout
  • Fixed Quick Checkout issues with auto-save field options
  • Fixed a CSS display issue with slider text captions on the latest Chrome version
  • Other fixes and improvements

v. 2.6.9 – January 19, 2016

  • Fixed an issue with images in CKEditor
  • Fixed an issue with category limit in Carousel and Custom Sections
  • Fixed an issue with the Popup module and Escape key
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.6.8 – December 21, 2015

  • Updated Google Fonts library with the latest fonts
  • Fixed an issue with the Push Options auto price update
  • Fixed issue with the countdown not showing properly in the Custom Sections module
  • Fixed a font issue with slider captions
  • Other fixes and improvements

v. 2.6.7 – November 23, 2015

  • Fixed an issue with Journal Push Options selectors
  • Fixed an issue with Google ReCaptcha in the Popup module
  • Fixed an issue with the Recently Viewed module on OC 1.5.x
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.6.6 – November 12, 2015

  • Updated Google Fonts library
  • Fixed an issue with the date picker option
  • Fixed an issue with main menu category images
  • Fixed a voucher issue in the Quick Checkout
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

v. 2.6.5 – October 8, 2015

Added OC 2.1.x compatibility. NOTE: The new Opencart version has been considerably changed and the upgrade script is buggy so you may encounter various database errors not related to the theme. You can file a ticket on our support page or look for posted solutions on the Opencart forum

There are also many excellent prefabricated pages available to help you construct your crowdfunding website more quickly. A lot of fantastic WordPress plugins that serve to boost your  website and  are compatible with the Journal – Advanced Opencart Theme

Have a look of the LIVE DEMO of this premium Advanced Opencart Theme


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